About Body Check Matt Tanneberg About Body Check Matt Tanneberg

13 Best Treadmills for Your Home in 2024

“A treadmill is an effective way to burn calories and work on your cardiovascular health,” says Matt Tanneberg, certified strength and conditioning specialist based in Scottsdale, Arizona. “Compared to other cardio equipment, the treadmill delivers the most natural range of motion. You’re able to walk or run at your controlled pace and, most of the time, use the same normal stride and gait as you would use outside.”

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About Body Check Matt Tanneberg About Body Check Matt Tanneberg

The Benefits of Cold Plunging are Legit

Benefits of Cold Plunging, here's why it is worth the freeze. Soaking in ice-cold water isn't the most appealing pitch, but the science confirms there are real benefits to cold plunging. For starters, research shows that cold-water therapy can help reduce inflammation. It can also help with perceived soreness after a tough workout, which is why it's often used by athletes for recovery purposes.

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